A Full day incursion including your choice of up to 8 SPFX Makeup looks. Students will learn about character development, makeup application techniques and Behind the scenes secrets. A quiz at the end will also be included where students have the opportunity for winning prizes! Price is dependant on selected options, number of students and budget, quotes are available upon request.

1. Stages of bruising

2. Open wound 3D

3. Open wound 2D

4. Bullet wound

5. Ageing with latex

6. Ageing with creams

7. Stitches

8. Burns (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

9. Black eye

10. Blisters/hives

11. Bite mark

12. Scars

13. Zombie

14. Monsters

15. Facial hair



This incursion is recommended for students wishing to have makeup as part of their project (film and media). First half of the day students will learn to apply makeup followed by students having the opportunity to showcase their work through their selected project. Half day incursion including your choice of up to 4 SPFX Makeup looks. Price is dependant on selected options, number of students and budget, quotes are available upon request.

6. Ageing with creams

7. Stitches

8. Burns (1st, 2nd, 3rd)

9. Black eye

10. Blisters/hives

1. Stages of bruising

2. Open wound 3D

3. Open wound 2D

4. Bullet wound

5. Ageing with latex

11. Bite mark

12. Scars

13. Zombie

14. Monsters

15. Facial hair



1hr – 1hr 30min sessions after school for up to 9weeks. Choose between Special effects workshops or Fashion/editorial workshops. Price is dependant on selected options, number of students and budget, quotes are available upon enquires. A Maximum of 10 students is recommended, this is due to limited time so they are able to have an immersive experience.



In this 9 week intensive workshop students will learn a variety of special effects makeup skills, Included with a photoshoot at the end for their own portfolio. Students are to rotate as models and makeup artists to ensure everyone gets a turn. It’s important for aspiring makeup artists to sit in the models seat to understand the models comfort while they work. on the photoshoot day they can acquire a model.

Week 1: Stages of bruising/Stages of healing: Students will learn the basics starting with learning the body’s response to healing and use their learnings to Create multiple stages of healing.

Week 2: Burns and Blisters: Continuing on from the week prior students will learn the first, second and third degree burns. They will also gain an understanding of the types of burns such as Thermal burns, Frostbite, Radiation, Chemical and Electrical.

Week 3: Ageing & Facial Hair: Students will be able to turn their young peers into retirement age. Learning 2 different techniques, Cream paints vs Latex. They will also learn to apply realistic looking facial hair.

Week 4: Brow Blocking: Students will learn how to cover brows to give the appearance of having none. This technique is used in Theatre, Drag and Editorial.

Week 5: Open wounds: Using Scar wax students will learn how to create open wounds, unlike the full or half day workshops this is more detailed and will create bone, fat and skin within the wound.

Week 6: Zombie & Zombie Bites: The infected turned infectious! Students will learn how to create realistic bite marks and zombies. Also learning about the different types of Zombies within film and television history.

Week 7: Catch up: Students can take the opportunity to revisit anything they’d like to practice on.

Week 8: Face Charts & Preparation: Students will create their character based on previous learnings and prepare their looks on Face charts.

Week 9: Characters and Photoshoot: Students will makeup their models and have the chance to photograph their work for portfolio use.